Factory Tool _v1.63_RK3288 _7.1
Firmware Factory Tool _RK3288_5.1 is only available for Android 5.1 customization of RK3288 products.
Firmware Factory Tool _RK3188_4.4_5.1 is only available for Android 4.4/5.1 customization of RK3188 products.
Firmware Factory Tool _RK3128_RK3288_7.1 is only available for Android 7.1 customization of RK3128/RK3288 products.
Android TooL _v2.35_ RK31x8_ 4.4._5.1
Universal connector adaptor
Provides flexible physical connection between the connector types used by Proculus LCMs.
May be ordered with any of the Proculus LCM connectors.
USB↔UART converter
Used to connect a Proculus LCM into a computer, for development and debugging purposes, using UnicView Terminal.
Level: TTL/CMOS and RS232.
May be ordered with any of the Proculus LCM connectors.
Arduino Shield
Used to connect a Proculus LCM into an Arduino board in a simple, quick and reliable way.
Level: TTL/CMOS and RS232.
May be ordered with any of the Proculus LCM connectors.
Firmware Factory Tool _RK3128_5.1 is only available for Android 5.1 customization of RK3128 products.
Hide Navigation Bar Example_v5.1 provides the source code routines of navigation bar use and hidden for 5.1 system, including APK files and routine source code.
Serial Port Test_v5.1 provides serial debugging APK and source code.
Android Tool _vMid_ RK3128 _7.1
Android Tool _v2.58 _RK3128_RK3288_Linux
Android TooL _v2.35_ RK3288 _5.1